Starting from:


Jungheinrich EFG 213dc, 216dc, 216Kdc, 218dc, 218Kdc, 220dc Electric ForkLift Truck Service Manual

Original Illustrated Factory Workshop Manual for JETI Electric Lift Trucks Models EFG 213 dc, EFG 216 dc, EFG 216K dc, EFG 218 dc, EFG 218K dc, EFG 220 dc

Original factory manuals for JUNGHEINRICH Forklift Trucks, contains high quality images, circuit diagrams and instructions to help you to operate and repair your truck. All Manuals Printable and contains Searchable Text

Covered models:
   EFG 213 dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 215 dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 216 dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 216K dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 218 dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 218K dc (01.2004-08.2004)
   EFG 220 dc (01.2004-08.2004)

Format: PDF, 366 Pages
Language: English

   1. Operating Instructions
   2 Technical Description of Components
   Solo Pilot (Standard) Component Layout
   Multi Pilot (Option) Component Layout
   Chassis / Assembly
   Drive System
       Drive system assembly
       Assembly: Drive motor
       Assembly: Transmission System
   Wheels / Axles
   Drive Switch / Drive Pedal
   Brake System
       Brake pedal:
       Parking brake:
       Multi- plate brake:
   Steering system
       Steering column:
   Swivelling bolster:
       Steering System Block Diagram
       Chassis / Load Section Connection
       Tilt cylinder:
       Hydraulic System
   Control Panel
       Control valve:
       Pump Motor / Pump / Pressure Filter
       Electrical System
       Solo Pilot Block Diagram
       Multi Pilot Block Diagram
   3 General Truck Data, Test and Setting Valves
       General Truck Data
       Test and Setting Values
   4 Truck - Maintenance
   5 Service Manual Items
       Replacement/ adjustment steering angle potentiometer B 600
       Speed reduction setting instructions B 6006
       Replacing the Brake Multi- Plates D 6001
       Stopping distances, minimum braking D 6360. 03
       Main brake cylinder (single stage) D 6360. 14
       Instructions for the installation of bra- ke tubes D 6360. 16
       Tightening torques for screwed con- nections on brake sys
       Changing of the brake fluid D 6360. 19
       Parking brakes D 6360. 21
       Steering auxiliary motor connection layout F 4001
      Test dimensions and adjustments toi hoist frames incorporating oblique suf
       Length check of load chains G 6355. 01
       Fork tines G1 6401 .01
       Pilot Valve Basic Setting I 5001
       Pilot Valve Basic Setting I 5007
       Mounting instructions for cutting ring joints I 6600. 06
       Lowering brakes and line break safety devices 1 6632.01
       ELSE-CHECK J 5002
       Instructions for the prevention of ac- ciderits and damage to equipment whi
       Notes on how to avoid acciderits and material damage when carrying out tr
       Code list - cable colours 3 6900.08
   6 MP1514F/ H CAN Bus Control System (2 motor drive)
       Control System - Operational Description
       Removing the contactor rack MP1514F
       Drive Current Control Systems - Operational Description
       LED on the MP1514F
       MP1514F / MP1514F2 Electrical Plug Layout
       Lifting Control System Operational Description on the MP1514H
        Electrical Plug Layout
       Removing the Interface Card
       Removing the Masterpilot
       Interface 3
       Operational Description
       LED on Interface 3
       Electrical Plug Layout
       Interface 4
       Operational Description
       LED on Interface 4
       Electrical Plug Layout
       Masterpilot (optional)
       Operational Description
       Masterpilot Electrical Plug Layout
       Block Diagram for EFG- DF
       with Manual Valve Lever
       with Masterpilot
       LISA User Mode Layout
       LISA Service Mode Layout
       Tract Parameter Setting
       Horn Function Table
       Parking Brake Function Table
   Option 1 Table
   Tabelle Option 2
   Lifting Parameter Setting
   Side Shift Function Table
   Hydraulic function locking - Masterpilot Trucks
   Steering Parameter Setting
   Truck Length Table
   Battery Parameter Setting
   Battery Setting Table
   Error Logbook Schematic
   Diagnostics -
   - Lifting
   - Steering
   Commissioning a Truck with the CAN- LISA System
       Truck Setting
       Setting Standard Parameters
       Setting Key Parameters
   Adjusting Potentiometer Values
       the steering angle potentiometer
       the lift potentiometer
   7 Electrical Wiring Diagrams
       Terminology Listing
       MF Circuit Diagram (Multi-Pilot )
       HS Circuit Diagram (Solo-Pilot )
       Circuit Diagram EFG 213-220 dc SP
       MF (Multi-Pilot) Wiring Diagram
       HS (Solo-Pilot) Wiring Diagram
       Wiring diagram (Solo-Pilot)
       Wiring diagram (Multi-Pilot)
       Wiring diagram EFG 213-220 dc SP
       EFG 213-220 dc MP wiring diagram
       EFG 213-220 dc MP wiring diagram
           Roadtraffic regulations lighting
           Back-up light/ Buzzer Reversing dir
           MSG 75 driver`s seat
           MSG 65 driver`s seat with heating
           SG 20 driver`s seat
           MSG 20 driver`s seat with heating
           Savas driver`s seat
   8 Hydraulic Wiring Diagrams

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